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Cryptocurrency 101 Ben Yu

NFTs: A Beginner's Guide

What are NFTs?

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are a new type of digital asset that has been gaining a lot of attention lately. NFTs are unique, non-interchangeable units of data that can be used to represent ownership of digital items, such as artwork, music, and videos. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, which are fungible (meaning that one Bitcoin is worth the same as any other Bitcoin), NFTs are not interchangeable. This means that each NFT is unique and has its own individual value.

NFTs are created by using a blockchain, which is a distributed database that is used to track ownership of digital assets. When an NFT is created, it is added to the blockchain and a unique identifier is assigned to it. This identifier is used to track the ownership of the NFT and to ensure that it cannot be counterfeited.

Why are NFTs valuable?

The value of an NFT is determined by its scarcity, its uniqueness, and its utility. Scarcity is important because it creates a sense of exclusivity and demand. Uniqueness is important because it makes each NFT one-of-a-kind. Utility is important because it gives NFTs a practical use case. For example, some NFTs can be used to grant access to exclusive content or experiences.

NFTs have a wide range of potential applications. They can be used to represent ownership of digital artwork, music, videos, and other digital collectibles. They can also be used to represent ownership of physical assets, such as real estate and cars. Additionally, NFTs can be used to create new types of decentralized applications, such as games and social networks.

How do I buy and sell NFTs?

There are a number of different ways to buy and sell NFTs. The most common way is to use an NFT marketplace. NFT marketplaces are online platforms that allow users to buy and sell NFTs. There are a number of different NFT marketplaces available, such as OpenSea, Rarible, and SuperRare.

To buy an NFT, you will need to create an account on an NFT marketplace and then connect your wallet. Once you have connected your wallet, you will be able to browse the NFTs that are available for sale. When you find an NFT that you want to buy, you can click on the "Buy" button and then follow the instructions to complete the purchase.

To sell an NFT, you will need to create an account on an NFT marketplace and then connect your wallet. Once you have connected your wallet, you will be able to upload your NFT to the marketplace. Once your NFT has been uploaded, you will need to set a price for it. When a buyer purchases your NFT, you will receive the payment in your wallet.


NFTs are a new and exciting type of digital asset that has the potential to revolutionize the way we own and interact with digital items. NFTs are still in their early stages of development, but they have already shown great promise. As the NFT ecosystem continues to grow, we can expect to see even more innovative and creative uses for NFTs.
